Thank you for this interesting post on this truly fascinating topic.

I tend to be less optimistic, though. If you remember the Hollywood blockbuster "I, Robot", you have seen how (and why) humanity's best friend could turn into its biggest foe. All it takes is a software update.

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> AI generators (...) you can use to your advantage.

Let's not forget Adobe Photoshop's upcoming generative AI, see this Substack for more:


I do agree that most designers will have no choice but to embrace AI. But having said that...

As uplifting as it feels thinking of AI as a designer's best friend, let's not forget the lessons of history. During the industrial revolution, the fear that machines would replace human labor, was the consensus. It was shared by virtually everyone. Well, machines have been a net gain, but in that sense, the consensus was proven wrong. Could we be wrong again?

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